| 1. | The third part for manage illegally similar guilty administration of justice assert illegally , with guilty demarcation line , copies of crime and he guilty demarcation line , a guilty special form assert the issue to put forward the view non - around crime mainly , have analyzed the ranges of government owned corporation , enterprise on crime and non - guilty asserting , the not asserting of director , manager , interests it is illegal , question of asserting , manage the similar criminal offence and demarcation line of forbidding the illegal activities of obligation of competing industry of violating “ company law " that open more illegally 第三部分为非法经营同类营业罪的司法认定,主要围绕罪与非罪的界限、本罪与他罪的界限、本罪的特殊形态认定问题提出了看法,在罪与非罪的认定上分析了国有公司、企业的范围,董事、经理的认定,非法利益、的认定问题,比较了非法经营同类营业的犯罪行为与违反《公司法》的竞业禁止义务违法行为的界限。 |